It's a prettier Prospector ripoff.
Idk, watching some gameplay and seeing basically "Give me more money and I'll put in a simple feature (Officers) that free game I'm going to pretend doesn't exist (Prospector) already has." made my blood boil. I'm a pretty cynical negative person, so immediately I get the impression he didn't at all mention the game he took 90% inspiration from because he... idk doesn't want prospective (lol) kickstarters who've never heard of Prospector go "What's that?" and flock to a more feature rich (however bug ridden) game.
It is young, and if I never played Prospector I would have liked it, but seeing all the work Magellan does for nothing while this punk is like "If you want x pay me"... Blarg I'm just bitching now.
Maybe it'll become a more intuitive and comfortable, not to mention fun game, while piling on more complex gameplay? Time will tell.Statistics: Posted by Sotha — Sun 29. Dec 2013, 02:15